Error message

  • Warning: chr() expects parameter 1 to be int, string given in TCPDF_FONTS::unichr() (line 1671 of /home/cbtfca/public_html/
  • Warning: chr() expects parameter 1 to be int, string given in TCPDF_FONTS::unichr() (line 1671 of /home/cbtfca/public_html/

WC 2010 Secret Pal Information Sheet

Canadian World Championship Athletes will participate in the Team Canada Secret Pal Exchange!

The Secret Pal Exchange will run from July 31 through August 8. On the final day, as part of the Wrap-Up Event, everyone will try and guess who their Secret Pal was.

Please fill out the attached Secret Pal Form and return to Steve Kopas, Contingent Manager, by June 4th, 2010.