Articles from WBTF News

The WBTF is offering another session of online Short Program evaluations. Athletes can film themselves performing their Short Program, submit that video, and have it evaluated and scored by certified WBTF Master Judges.

WBTF Board Representative Spotlight – 2021

WBTF wishes to spotlight our member representatives to the Board of Directors during the next few months.  We thank each of them for sharing a little information about themselves and what their goals are for the future in baton twirling.

Name: * Andrey Kokoulin

Country & Name of Federation: Russia:   Russian Federation of Sport Choreography

WBTF Board Representative Spotlight – 2021

WBTF wishes to spotlight our member representatives to the Board of Directors during the next few months.  We thank each of them for sharing a little information about themselves and what their goals are for the future in baton twirling.

Name: * Rahel Janka Mezosi

Country & Name of Federation:  Hungarian Twirling Federation

WBTF Board Representative Spotlight – 2021

WBTF wishes to spotlight our member representatives to the Board of Directors during the next few months.  We thank each of them for sharing a little information about themselves and what their goals are for the future in baton twirling.

The Spotlight is on Amelie Nilsson, President SBTF - Sweden:  Svenska Drillförbundet SDF

Country & Name of Federation:


A Team Gets a 100…….The Story of ‘IMAGINE’ by Team Genesis.

What does it take to get a ‘100' at an international competition and be heralded as the best team EVER Chiharu Tachibana, coaching staff member of Genesis gives you the details!

The brilliant choreography of Seishi Inagaki is MUCH MORE than great twirling…….learn the behind-the-song details and how Genesis brought it to life and made an arena full of spectators rise to its feet in tears.  This is a MUST-SEE learning experience that will enrich your viewing of this incredible team.


Tags: TwirlNations-On-Demand

WBTF Board Representative Spotlight – 2021

WBTF wishes to spotlight our member representatives to the Board of Directors during the next few months.  We thank each of them for sharing a little information about themselves and what their goals are for the future in baton twirling.

The Spotlight is on Joanne Moser, President CBTF - Canada:

Country & Name of Federation:


Famed international baton ’superstar’, Seishi Inagaki, is known for creating the ‘best in the business’.

This Two Baton video will show you how to reach the pinnacle level of the discipline through a process of ‘building blocks’. The material he shares is slick, mesmerizing, powerful, and just plain AWESOME! When you see his students and you ask, “How did they DO that?”, by viewing his tutorial you will then KNOW!


Tags: TwirlNations-On-Demand

WBTF Board Representative Spotlight – 2021

WBTF wishes to spotlight our member representatives to the Board of Directors during the next few months.  We thank each of them for sharing a little information about themselves and what their goals are for the future in baton twirling.

The Spotlight is on Marina Mihelcic, President of CTF Croatia:

Country & Name of Federation:


1. When and how did you get involved in baton twirling? *

WBTF Board Representative Spotlight – 2021

WBTF wishes to spotlight our member representatives to the Board of Directors during the next few months.  We thank each of them for sharing a little information about themselves and what their goals are for the future in baton twirling.

The Spotlight is on Karen Cammer, President of USTA United States of America  Country & Name of Federation: USA- United States Twirling Association

WBTF wishes to spotlight our member representatives to the Board of Directors during the next few months.  We thank each of them for sharing a little information about themselves and what their goals are for the future in baton twirling.

This Spotlight is on Alessia Dolci, President of FSTB Switzerland:

1. When and how did you get involved in baton twirling? *     In 1983 as an Athlete in my city

2021 looked optimistically hopeful to see a more normal time throughout the world.

WBTF planned to return to Italy for our 35th World Championship and 40th anniversary celebration.  Our baton twirling family has been looking forward to reuniting again on the world stage. We miss our friends and the excitement of watching and experiencing the fabulous head-to-head competition of our sport’s best athletes.   

WBTF wishes to spotlight our member representatives to the Board of Directors during the next few months.  We thank each of them for sharing a little information about themselves and what their goals are for the future in baton twirling.

The Spotlight is on Bernadette Doyne, President of BTSAI Ireland: Country & Name of Federation: Ireland. Baton Twirling Sport Association of Ireland

WBTF Board Representative Spotlight 2021

WBTF wishes to spotlight our member representatives to the Board of Directors during the next few months.  We thank each of them for sharing a little information about themselves and what their goals are for the future in baton twirling.

Our first Spotlight is on Stefania Lenzini, President of FITw Italy:

Country & Name of Federation:

Italy - Italian Twirling Federation FITw

1. When and how did you get involved in baton twirling? *

*REGISTRATION FOR ALL IBTF JUDGE SEMINAR SESSIONS IS NOW OPEN* All international judges who wish to be considered by their federation for judging assignments at the IBTF World Baton Twirling Championship and Nations Cup are required to complete all of the Seminars and the follow- Note: all times listed on confirmations are North America CST.  Please double check your own local time. up Review Forms.



For February – April 2021


To purchase this video with the 12 Days of Christmas discount: The Two-Baton Routine - CHRISTMAS24

Tags: TwirlNations-On-Demand

To purchase this video with the 12 Days of Christmas discount: Three Baton Development Series - SANTA23

Tags: TwirlNations-On-Demand

To purchase this video with the 12 Days of Christmas discount: The Making of the Two-Baton Athlete - SLEIGH22

Tags: TwirlNations-On-Demand

To purchase this video with the 12 Days of Christmas discount: Dance Twirl to GET HERE - RUDOLPH21

Tags: TwirlNations-On-Demand



To purchase this video with the 12 Days of Christmas discount: The Making of a Champion - BLITZEN20

Tags: TwirlNations-On-Demand
