2023 Canadian Winner/Championship Brochure and Entry Form
May 13, 2023 - The Competition Brochure and online Entry Form links for the 2023 Canadian Winner/Championships are attached.
The General Information brochure is attached below and contains important information for everyone attending the 2023 Canadian Winner/Championship and Maple Leaf Open. Please read that document.
A few important details:
- The Individual Entry Form must be completed by every athlete attending the competition, even if they are only participating in a group event. In addition to entering the Individual/Duet/Pair events, this online form also allows athletes to register for the Athletes' Party, the Pride of Canada Open Clinic, and to submit their Good-Luck-Gram message(s). The deadline to submit the Individual Entry Form is Tuesday, May 23, 2023. https://form.jotform.com/231127479400249
- The Group Entry Form should be completed by the Head Coach or the Club Director only. You must upload your Group Roster files along with the complete Group Entry Form. Please upload the original XLS of the Group Roster - do not upload PDFs or pictures of a printed Roster. The deadline to submit the Group Entry Form and Group Rosters is Tuesday, May 23, 2023. https://form.jotform.com/231127457138253
- The deadline to submit Practice Gym Rental Requests is Thursday, June 15, 2023. Any requests received after that time will be handled on a best-efforts-basis only. Due to limited floor availability, we may not be able to schedule all hours as requested. Once the allocation of gym time is confirmed, CBTF will issue an invoice via the email provided on the Gym Rental Request form. https://form.jotform.com/231307959787270
- Advertising opportunities are available for the Souvenir Program. Advertising space is available in a variety of sizes: business card, quarter page, half page, and full page. The deadline to receive advertising requests is Thursday, June 1, 2023. https://form.jotform.com/231307509481252
- All coaches and judges are welcome to attend the Technical Social, which will be held follwoing the Opening Ceremony on July 2 at the Edmonton Coast Plaza Hotel. The deadline to register for the Technical Social is Thursday, June 1, 2023. https://form.jotform.com/231307677498266