Coaches Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics
CBTF-certified coaches are governed by the CBTF Coaches Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics:
- All Coaches must, above all, agree to abide by the Policies, Rules and Regulations, Constitution and Bylaws of the CBTF. Coaches must accept both the letter and the spirit of the rules that define and govern the sport.
- All Coaches shall have sufficient pride in their profession. Professional integrity hinges upon affiliation with the CBTF and its endeavours.
- All Coaches shall make every effort to encourage good sportsmanship among their athletes and club members.
- All Coaches shall keep informed of any and all rules and rule changes and shall provide accurate information to their athletes and club members.
- All Coaches shall make every effort to keep themselves informed of current techniques and teaching methods and therefore afford the greatest advancement for their athletes. Reasonable participation in required in professional reading, related activities, conferences, workshops and seminars. Growth is essential.
- All Coaches shall conduct themselves in a respectable and professional manner at all times. Principles of professional conduct shall include:
- Maintain physical and mental well-being
- Present a worthy role model
- Convey no reproach upon oneself
- Make no false claims regarding coaching credentials
- Convey no reproach upon the coaching profession or CBTF
- Contribute to harmonious and beneficial professional relationships - A Coach’s conduct towards other coaches, judges, officials, athletes, parents and club members shall be characterized by courtesy, good faith, fairness and respect. Coaches shall present a positive influence to their athletes with no trace of prejudice or preference due to style, background, previous accomplishments (or lack thereof), or associations. Each and every student shall be taught open-mindedly and with consideration, fairness and respect.
- A. Coaches shall not, in any manner, approach the athlete(s) of another Coach or said athlete’s parents in order to solicit athletes for his/her club.
B. If a Coach is approached by an athlete or the parent of any athlete of another Coach at a time other than the designated “open period” for transferring Coaches (August 31st to October 31st), it is that Coach’s responsibility to ensure that the athlete’s present Coach is informed before the transfer takes place.
C. It is recommended that communication take place between the involved parties as a display of good faith during any time a transfer occurs. - All Coaches shall instruct a transferred athlete for a period of a minimum of six (6) months or twenty (20) hours before claiming credit.
- Coaches shall refrain from coaching, assisting, or prompting their athletes/groups while said athlete/group is performing before a Judge. This would include: facial expressions, body and hand signals or any other action that may be perceived as coaching, assisting or prompting.