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Competition 1 Coaching Course

The pre-requisites to taking the Competition 1 course are:

  1. You must be 16 years of age to apply for the THEORY portion of the course.
  2. You must be fully certified at the Baton Twirling Foundations level to take the PRACTICAL portion of the Competition 1 Coaching Course.
  3. You must have general knowledge of the skills in the SDP Bronze Pin through Silver Pin.
  4. You must have good knowledge of the Pre-Competitive Level II standard routines.
  5. You must hold a Technical Association membership within your province.

The CBTF Coaching Courses have been designed to be completed in stages. There are four stages to becoming fully certified at the Competition 1 coaching level.



This is an online course. There are lessons and quizzes that you may do at your own pace. You can stop and start as needed, and when you return to the online course, you will continue where you left off. You must complete all of the theory content (lessons and quizzes) BEFORE you attend the in-person PRACTICAL portion of the course.

While you are in the process of completing the THEORY content for this level, you are considered a "Competition 1 (C1) In-Training" coach.



This is a one-day, in-class course instructed by a Course Conductor. Here, you will dive deeper into some of the lessons that you studied online. You will also spend time "hands-on" with batons. There will also be a portion of the day spent actually teaching students the elements from the Skills Development Program and the Pre-Competitive Standard Routines (Level II). At this level, you must be able to demonstrate that you can effectively teach the skills as well as show how you will build upon the standard routines to develop competitive routines for your athletes.

Once you successfully complete the PRACTICAL portion of the course, you are considered a "Competition 1 (C1) Trained" coach.

Over the following year (or longer as needed), the “Competition 1 Trained” coach should complete their NCCP requirements, and build their coaching portfolio in preparation for their formal evaluation. “Competition 1 Trained” coaches will be working with athletes in the Pre-Competitive Program Level II, as well as Level C and BN athletes.



Continuation of your NCCP training is the third stage in becoming fully certified at the Competition 1 level. If your province offers the NCCP Courses as a ‘bundle’, you must obtain “NCCP Part B”. If your province offers the NCCP Course as individual sessions, you must obtain “Basic Mental Skills”, “Design a Basic Sport Program”, and “Teaching and Learning”.



In the year after you have become TRAINED, you will begin to build your Coaching Portfolio. Your coaching portfolio will include:

  • Coach Profile (template will be provided)
  • Program Description (template will be provided)
  • Lesson Plans (template will be provided)
  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Activities (template will be provided)

Once your coaching portfolio is submitted, an on-site visit will be scheduled. A Coaching Evaluator will attend one of your classes to evaluate your coaching skills. It may also be possible to submit a video of you coaching your class (instructions to be developed).

A coach who has successfully completed the NCCP requirements and passed the EVALUATION CONTENT is considered "Competition 1 Certified".