Return to Play - Group Guidelines
Latest Revision: September 2020
The Covid-19 Pandemic will change our approach to practicing group events moving forward. This document has been put together by all the Provincial Group Reps as a way to provide some guidance to our coaches. Please note that, before full group practicing and competing can occur, Provincial Guidelines related to social distancing may need to be relaxed and this will be different in each province.
Please follow Provincial Guidelines. It is our commitment to maintain communication and fairness to all provinces as we navigate this situation.
- Use your Province’s COVID-19 screening tool as a way to report any symptoms. All coaches and athletes should complete this screening tool before each practice. Alternatively, a coach or parent may be asked to screen participants directly (parents if athletes are under the age of 18) and have a non-contact thermometer to check athletes’ temperatures before practice.
- If any athlete or coach is experiencing any flu-like symptoms they are to stay home.
- Remind athletes to only bring essential items to practice. These items include baton, shoes, name-labelled water bottles (already filled) and towel.
- Athletes should arrive with a mask on.
- All athletes and coaches should wash hands and all batons should be sanitized before group practice.
- Have specific areas for athletes to place belongings.
- Coaches should keep an updated list of contact information for participants and coaches.
- Remind athletes not to touch their faces during practice.
- Coaches should maintain their distance and should wear a mask.
- If there are multiple groups, wash hands or use hand sanitizer between each group.
- No spectators should be in the gym/practice area.
- Sanitize batons after practice before putting them away.
- Wash hands or use hand sanitizer before leaving the gym/practice area.
- Work to maintain physical distance while leaving the gym/practice area.
- Athletes and coaches should not congregate in the gym are or in the spaces used outside the gym.
- Masks should be put on before leaving the gym/practice area.
- Consider practicing groups without exchanges while maintaining some physical distancing.
- Use online video platforms to include athletes in practice who may not be able to attend due to symptoms.