Error message

  • Warning: chr() expects parameter 1 to be int, string given in TCPDF_FONTS::unichr() (line 1671 of /home/cbtfca/public_html/
  • Warning: chr() expects parameter 1 to be int, string given in TCPDF_FONTS::unichr() (line 1671 of /home/cbtfca/public_html/

Learn the "Brown" and "Singer" Rolls

In this 47-minute video, Maureen brings another collection of skills to the video screen. In a 'class' setting with one of her students, Maureen teaches some iconic rolls - the Brown Roll (named for Alison Brown), the now-iconic Singer Roll (name for Stacy Singer), some vertical and horizontal contact material for all levels of development, and some exercises for demi-pointe strength and hip flexibility. This is a MUST-HAVE for athletes and coaches alike.

Tags: TwirlNations-On-Demand