Error message

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Any child traveling without at least one parent, must have written parental consent appointing the chaperone to make decisions for that child, such as health care, and emergency treatment.

Any child under the age of majority traveling without one or both parents must have the notarized consent of the parent or parents who are not with the child to cross international borders.

Brochure and Registration Form attached.

A revised CBTF Contingent Package for IC 2009 has now been posted.

The revised package contains:

The Canadian Tracksuit Order form is attached. All athletes and coaches that are members of the IC 2009 Contingent are required to have and wear the official Team Canada jacket & pants at selected functions in Sydney.

Please refer to the Mee Sports Sizing Chart to determine your proper size.


As Contingent Manager, Steve is collecting some personal and health information that he needs to be aware of.

Steve is coordinating the Secret Pal program for the athletes that are part of the IC 2009 Contingent.

Please review the attached document for an outline of the program and complete and submit the Information Sheet to Steve.

As part of the athlete accreditation process, the WBTF requires that all athletes provide a Health Certificate indicating they are in generally good and is fit to compete.

The official CBTF Health Certificate is attached. It should be completed and signed by a physician and the original should be sent to Steve Kopas, Contingent Manager.