Direct Members

2008 FBM MOTION #13
  Sandra Watt moved that CBTF approve the concept of "Direct Membership" and the required Bylaw changes necessary to support this. This applies to members in provinces that do not have an affiliated provincial association.


2009 SBM MOTION #9

Sandra Watt moved that CBTF approve the following:

a. Direct Members may compete at a Provincial Championship for a qualifying score in order to proceed to Canadians (similar to the model for Trans-Canada Pairs & Teams).

b. That rates for each category of membership be determined by the President and 2nd Vice President and communicated to the BOD for approval.


EXEC E-VOTE Spring 2012 E12-01

Elan Paluck moved that, for the CBTF 2011-2012 competition season, a Type A (athlete) Direct Member shall be permitted to hold a regular or alternate position on a group competing in any CBTF Major or Minor group event. The team coach or club manager shall be required to send a written request to the CBTF President, with cc to CBTF Technical Chair and the Provincial Head well in advance of the province's provincial competition. A copy of said letter, along with the CBTF approval, shall also be provided with the team's entry form to the CBTF Canadians' Entry Processor.

Effective immediately

DIRECTIVE: Revision to the current policy as it appears in the CBTF Policy Manual shall be addressed at the 2012 Summer BOD meeting.


2012 FBM MOTION #27 (2012 FTM Prop #12)

Elan Paluck moved move to accept the following procedure with regards to the hosting of provincial qualifying events for athletes from member provinces and athletes from non-member provinces:

  • A member province's chair or coach representing a non-CBTF member province's direct members to contact the chair of a CBTF member province requesting that a provincials qualifying event for their province be held in conjunction with the member province's provincials. This must be done well in advance of the proposed date.
  • Once discussed and approved by the CBTF member province's board, the provincial chair shall send a request in writing to the CBTF president asking for CBTF approval to act as host for the small province/ non- member province. The CBTF Sanction Officer shall be notified by the host province when approval is granted.
  • The hosting province shall submit two sanction request forms to their provincial sanction officer - one for each province. The PSO shall then forward them to the National Sanction Officer who will assign a national sanction number for the event.
  • One entry brochure shall be produced by the host province featuring a separate listing for each province's provincial qualifying individual, duet, group and team trials events. One person shall handle the entry processing for both provinces. Handling of financial and administrative issues shall be discussed and agreed upon by the two provinces. An open competition with individual, duet and group events may be held and athletes from both provinces may enter.
  • The host province shall report the results of both provincial qualifying events to the CBTF data entry coordinator.
  • Each province shall be responsible to send in their own members' entry forms to the Canadian entry processor. Direct members from a non-CBTF member province shall be responsible to submit their own entries. Canadian entry deadline policy shall apply.