CBTF Safe Sport and Anti-Doping
The Canadian Baton Twirling Federation (CBTF) is committed to safe sport and fair play. This section of our website will continue to be updated as this is an important part of ensuring that baton twirling in Canada is a positive and enriching sport for every person who is involved.
The CBTF by-laws provide for the following as it pertains to safe sport:
The Canadian Baton Twirling Federation is committed to safeguarding athletes. By working under the guidance of our Safeguarding Policies our staff, both volunteers and employed working with our athletes throughout the organization, seek to create a safe environment for all athletes to grow and develop within sport.
CBTF has adopted a Safe Sport Policy, which can be found here. This Policy provides the background for CBTF’s procedures when its members are faced with questions about safety in our sport.
The CBTF requires all professional members (this includes, but is not limited to, coaches, judges, administrators, board members, and technical members) in the organization to take the safe sport course offered by coach.ca, in the multisport category. Certificates of completion must be provided to the CBTF Safe Sports Compliance Officer by May 1, 2025. The frequency of renewal will be determined by the CBTF Board of Directors, and the membership will be notified of this ongoing obligation.
CBTF is a member of the International Baton Twirling Federation (IBTF). IBTF has provided the following information for its membership.
Safe Sport Awareness Reference
Linda Hanlon Yeates, Ireland, has been appointed as IBTF’s SafeSport Compliance Officer. IBTF requires all member federations to appoint its own National SafeSport Compliance Officer. The name and email address of the appointed individual should be sent to Linda Yeates for the contact with your federation by no later than December 1, 2024.
The CBTF SafeSport Compliance Officer is Beth Swain. She can be reached by email at 2ndvpcbtf [dot] ca .
Fair play is essential to all sports. Baton twirling is no exception. The CBTF By-laws state the following as it pertains to Anti-Doping:
The Canadian Baton Twirling Federation guarantees that all athletes and officials who are designated as members must accept the International Baton Twirling Federation (IBTF) Anti-Doping Rules compiled in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code.
The following Anti-Doping Awareness Guidelines provide important information for all members of our sport:
- https://www.wada-ama.org/en/who-we-are
- https://www.wada-ama.org/en/what-we-do/world-anti-doping-code
- https://www.wada-ama.org/en
- https://www.wada-ama.org/en/prohibited-list
For any other inquiries about CBTF’s safe sport and fair play policies and procedures, please contact admincbtf [dot] ca and we will do our best to help you.