
1981 AGM MOTION # ??
  That contest directors must hire their Canadian judges from the Judges Directory.


1981 AGM MOTION # ??
  That judges from other countries must become a Twirl Canada member in order to judge a contest held in Canada.


1982 STM MOTION #1
  Elaine Jacobs moved to have the Judges Handbook approved in principal and accepted for the current year with a review to be made the following year.


1982 AGM MOTION #8
  Betty Infilise moved that discussion and decisions regarding the Judges’ Directory be terminated at this meeting and left to the Judges Committee.


1982 AGM MOTION #11
  That the Judges Association be established as of July 6, 1982 under the Twirl Canada Federation and before leaving the conference, final details must be worked out. Final details will be presented to the Board of Directors by July 31, 1982. Operating guidelines will go into effect September 15, 1982.


1982 AGM MOTION #44
  Barry Nye moved that the appointment of the Coaches and Judges Representatives for a one year term only be done by the members of the Executive Committee no later than 4:00 PM July 8, 1982.


1982 FEM MOTION # ??
  That non-Canadian Judges may be included in the Twirl Canada Judges’ Program.


1982 FEM MOTION # ??
  That the formation of a coaches and judges association be postponed until 1984 when the coaches and judges programs will be in effect.


1982 FEM MOTION # ??
  That the judges contract be accepted as submitted by Karen Thompson.


1983 AGM MOTION #8
  Karen Woycenko moved that contest directors request a photocopy of current Twirl Canada judges’ cards when sending a contract for a Canadian judging assignment.


1983 AGM MOTION #9
  Karen Woycenko moved that, when contest directors send a judging contract to American judges, they request a photocopy of their current judge’s card (USTA, NBTA, etc.).


1983 AGM MOTION #10
  Elaine Jacobs moved that each province appoint/elect a Judges’ Representative whose job it will be to act as liaison with the National Judges’ Representative and to organize judging development programs within their province.


1983 AGM MOTION #12
  Ron Kopas moved that each province submit a list of names and addresses of all judges in their province to the National Judges Rep (Elaine Jacobs) by January 1, 1984.


1983 AGM MOTION #13
  Ron Kopas moved that only certified Twirl Canada Judges (who have passed the Twirl Canada exams) may be listed I the Twirl Canada Judges Directory a of December 31, 1983 and Canadian contest directors must select Canadian Judges from the said Directory.


1983 AGM MOTION #14
  Ron Kopas moved that US recognized judges may judge at Twirl Canada competitions but must be listed in the Twirl Canada Judges Directory. Contest Directors must submit the $10.00 fee for listing to the National Treasurer.


1983 AGM MOTION #41
  Ron Kopas moved that any province with an athlete entered in the Canadian Finals – World Baton Twirling Championships, must have a representative on the judging panel.


1983 AGM MOTION #42
  Ron Kopas moved that, if a province does not have athletes entered at the Canadian Finals - WBTF, the province may have a judge on the panel, however, the person must be a qualified judge and a resident of said province (no proxy judge).


1983 AGM MOTION #43
  Ron Kopas moved that provinces carry financial responsibility (minimum of at least travel) for provincial judge to attend Canadian Finals – WBTF – provincial athlete contingent upon available funds.


1983 AGM MOTION #49
  Ron Kopas moved that the implementation of the Judges and Coaches Association be approved, effective immediately.


1983 FEM MOTION #??

That, as of January 1, 1984, Twirl Canada Judges will be required to wear the following while judging at Twirl Canada sanctioned contests:

WOMEN: red blazer, white blouse, grey skirt/pants, red, white or black shoes
MEN: red blazer, white shirt, tie, grey pants, grey or black shoes


1984 STM MOTION #3
  Ron Kopas moved that we have two Judges’ Reps for the 1984-86 Board of Directors year and that a job description would be worked out between the two reps and the Technical Chairman.


1984 STM MOTION #4
  Ron Kopas moved that a new position be added to the Technical Committee – two Judges Reps.


1984 STM MOTION #11
  Elaine Jacobs moved that Elaine Jacobs receive approval to make changes/corrections/additions to the Judges Manual, including clarification of practice judges.


1984 STM MOTION #14
  Ron Kopas moved that provincial heads will receive a supply of Officials Handbooks, to be distributed in their province. Sandi Watt will send them out. For new judges and coaches, upon certification, they will receive a signed and numbered handbook from Coaches and Judges Reps.


1984 FEM MOTION #10
  Carrie McKitrick moved that all judges pay judges membership fees. (per letter requesting that Judges Rep should not have to pay)


1985 FTM MOTION #4
  Sandra Watt moved that you must be a certified Canadian Judge in order to take the WBTF exam.


1985 FTM MOTION #6
  Deardra Leslie moved that it be mandatory to take the WBTF judges symposium and successfully pass it to judge the Canadian Championships beginning in 1987.


1985 FTM MOTION #37
  Donna Jones moved that grey shoes be the legal colour for judges’ uniforms.


1986 STM MOTION #7
  Sandra Watt moved that the Western V.P. investigate the printing and distribution of the Green Record Books.


1986 STM MOTION #9
  Wendy Harmen moved that the Technical Committee select the Canadian Judge(s) to represent Canada on the World Judges Panel.


1986 STM MOTION #11
  Jane Niles moved that Shelley Vassell be added to slate of judges to judge Junior Division and Team Division to fill the slate of 6 judges per division.


1986 STM MOTION #24
  Jane Niles moved that it be mandatory to have group seminars and examinations conducted prior to March 1, 1987 with a minimum of one being held in the West and a minimum of one being held in the East.


1986 STM MOTION #28
  Debbie Nikolai moved that we eliminate the judges seminar and exam for Open Floor Strut that was to be implemented in 1986.


1986 FTM MOTION #2
  Jane Niles moved that Officials Rep will send to all CBTF certified judges a letter stating that effective January 1, 1987, all officials will be expected to judge all major event and it is the individual’s responsibility to attend seminars to keep updated.


1986 FTM MOTION #3
  Jane Niles moved that the registration fee of $10.00 to have USA officials to judge at CBTF competitions be eliminated.


1986 FTM MOTION #4
  Debbie Nikolai moved that all contest directors send the Officials Rep a list of USA judges who are used at CBTF competitions.


1986 FTM MOTION #6
  Jane Niles moved that effective September 1, 1989, in order to qualify as a judge at CBTF competitions, all non-Canadian residents must have successfully completed the CBTF Judges Course.


1986 FTM MOTION #8
  Wendy Harmen moved that effective January 1, 1987, contest directors must make every effort possible to have judges arrive the evening before or early in the morning of their contest and provide a Judges’ Meeting on the updates of rules and regulations of the events being held at that competition.


1987 STM MOTION #3
  Bess Little moved that the green handbook should be used.


1987 STM MOTION #11
  Ron Kopas moved that it is mandatory that each province conduct an educational seminar for coaches and judges on Medley and Solo Dance Twirl before January 31, 1988.


1987 STM MOTION #12
  Ron Kopas moved that current registered judges will be required to take judges’ examinations in Medley and Solo Dance Twirl with deadline to be established at the Fall Technical Meeting.


1987 SEM MOTION #8
  Ron Kopas moved that gratuity be paid to the judges for the 1987 Canadian Team Trials.


1987 SEM MOTION #9
  Ron Kopas moved that payment of airfare for one judge for the 1987 Canadian Team Trials be approved.


1987 FTM MOTION #6
  That the WBTF exams written in Houston and Toronto be marked as soon as possible and participants be notified of the results.


1987 FTM MOTION #27
  That current registered judges be required to take the Medley and Solo Dance Twirl certification by January 3, 1989.


1988 STM MOTION #11

Debbie Nikolai moved that the registration fee for judges be $20.00 if the registration is received by October 1. The registration fee for judges who register after October 1 is $40.00. Judges who have never been registered will pay the $20.00 fee, regardless of timing.

(Note: refers to Judges Association fee)


1988 FTM MOTION #10
  Moved that the judging fee be a minimum of $10.00 per hour.


1989 SBM MOTION #10
  Tim King moved that Contest Directors must check for current CBTF Judges Registration Card. If the certified judge is not registered then the Judges Registration Fee must be obtained from the Contest Director who will then subtract this fee from the judge’s earnings.


1989 SBM MOTION #11 AMENDED – 2003 SBM – MOTION #6
  Karen Gratton moved that competition directors must send a list of judges who are hired for a competition and the name of the designated Head Judge to the National Judges Rep a minimum of three weeks prior to the competition. The Judges Rep must be notified of any changes. Failure to do this will result in a $50.00 fine payable to CBTF. The CBTF Judges Rep shall receive notification of all competitions and dates from the CBTF Sanction Officer. The Judges Rep will advise the CBTF Treasurer if a list (of judges) was not received and an invoice will be sent to the competition director.


1989 SBM MOTION #12
  Betty Infilise moved that we ratify the panel of judges for the 1989 Canadian Team Trials as presented by the Judges Rep.


1989 SBM MOTION #14
  Brenda Lebel moved that the BOD examine the policy of funding the Judges Rep, Coaches Rep and Athletes Rep to the National Meetings.


1989 SBM MOTION #22
  Betty Infilise moved that the Judges Rep’s Job Description be accepted as modified and presented.


1989 FTM MOTION #11

Betty Infilise moved that clarifications of Judges’ Uniform and disciplinary action for non-compliance as effective January 1, 1989 be ratified.

Effective January 1, 1990


1989 FTM MOTION #12 (RATIFIED – 1989 FBM – Motion #16)

Pat Stevenson moved that the procedure for carrying out judges violation of the dress code is:

At the contest, when the Contest Director, Chief Judge (other judge if the Chief Judge is in violation) and Judges Rep witness violation, the judge be approached. The “fine” is then deducted from the judge’s fee based on established non-compliance regulations. The contest director is then responsible for notifying, in writing, the CBTF Technical Chairperson, CBTF President, CBTF Judges Rep as well as sending a copy of the letter and cheque for the appropriate amount to the CBTF Treasurer.


1989 FBM MOTION #22
  Tim King moved that the CBTF Coaches and Judges Reps have their travel and accommodation expenses paid when asked to attend all duly called National Board and Technical Meetings. Retroactive to October 1, 1989.


1990 STM MOTION #12
  Betty Infilise moved that the Judges Association critique format as corrected be accepted and implemented immediately.


1990 STM MOTION #13
  Nancy Beachin moved that “officials” registrations be sent out and received by the provincial membership chairperson. These forms and the cheques will be forwarded to the CBTF Judges Rep.


1990 SBM MOTION #13
  Brenda Cooper moved that we encourage and support formation of the Judges Association.


1990 SBM MOTION #18
  Bev Latrace moved that we accept the recommendations as attached from the CBTF Technical Committee regarding selection of Canadian Judges for the 1990 World Championships.


1990 FBM MOTION #7
  Betty Infilise moved that if a Contest Director uses a non-member of the Judges Association or non-certified judge for a sanctioned competition (exception D class competition), they will receive a warning in written form. If they repeat this infraction, they will not receive further sanctions. All judges must be members of CBTF.


1990 FBM MOTION #19
  Sylvia Day moved that the CBTF pay the $250 honourarium for a computer program to compile the Judges Directory to be reimbursed through advertising and judges’ fees.


1990 FBM MOTION #21
  Betty Infilise moved that, if a CBTF Judge adjudicates a CBTF sanctioned competition (exception “D” competitions/event), and is not certified to do so, they will be fined $100.00. If this action is repeated, they will be suspended from judging CBTF competitions.


1991 FTM MOTION #3-22 (RATIFIED – 1991 FBM – MOTION #38)
  Marjorie Graham moved that new judges who are former athletes may not judge the Senior/Collegiate divisions for two years after retiring from competition.


1991 FTM MOTION #3-23 (RATIFIED – 1991 FBM –MOTION #38)
  Ron Kopas moved that the National Technical Chairperson send a reminder to all Provincial Technical Chairpersons and CBTF BOD that the national scale of proficiency for flashcard judging and freestyle must be abided by until further review.


1992 STM MOTION #11 (RATIFIED – 1992 SBM – MOTION #27)
  Betty Infilise moved that the Judges/Officials registration forms should be sent and received by the Judges/Officials Association and no longer through the provincial associations.


1992 STM MOTION #12 (RATIFIED – 1992 SBM – MOTION #27)
  Betty Infilise moved that Judges/Officials register with the Judges/ Officials Association for a two year period at a fee of $40 for two years. If a new judge or a judge not listed in the Directory the previous year, registers in the second year, the fee would be $20. For any registrations received after October 31, a late fee of $20 would be charged.


1992 STM MOTION #16 (RATIFIED – 1992 SBM – MOTION #9-a)

Betty Infilise moved that we recommend to the BOD that we pay the full airfare for Pat Stevenson (Edmonton), that we pay ½ airfare for Theresa Eyssens (BC) and that we pay mileage for other team trial judges.

(Note: this applied to 1992 only)


1992 STM MOTION #17 (RATIFIED – 1992 SBM – MOTION #27)
  Theresa Eyssens moved that a national standard be set concerning an overtime rate to be paid to judges that amounts to time and a half for any hours over 10 hours on a daily basis.


1992 STM MOTION #18 (RATIFIED – 1992 SBM – MOTION #27)
  Theresa Eyssens moved that all judges be paid for any mandatory judges meetings at all competitions. All sanctioned competitions must hold a judges meeting of a minimum of ½ hour (judges warm-up meeting).


1992 STM MOTION #19 (RATIFIED – 1992 SBM – MOTION #27)
  Theresa Eyssens moved that all judges be paid for any freestyle critique meetings.


1992 STM MOTION #20 (RATIFIED – 1992 SBM – MOTION #27)
  Linda Boyd moved that we accept Ron Kopas’ report on CBTF judges’ responsibilities at WBTF Championships with the additions.


1992 SBM MOTION #9
  Betty Infilise moved that the Team Trial Judges as presented for the 1992 Canadian Team Trials be ratified by the Board of Directors.


1992 SBM MOTION #10

Debbie Nikolai moved that expenses and honourarium be paid to Canadian Team Trial Judges as per the attached schedule effective 1992:

  Expenses Honorarium
Judge Compulsory Moves only Hotel-1 night
Per diem-breakfast
Lunch at competition
Judge Freestyle division of 15 or more athletes Hotel-4 nights
Per diem-3 days
Airfare or mileage
Lunch at competition
$75 per class
Judge teams Lunch at competition $50
Judge Freestyle division of less that 15 athletes Lunch at competition $25

Expenses Honourarium Judge compulsory hotel-1 night $ 30.00 moves only

  • All hotel costs are based on double occupancy.
  • The total number of hotel nights paid will not exceed four.
  • Meals supplied will be deducted from per diem.
  • When a judge is present at the event because they are also prov. head or tech rep, the travel expense will be shared by CBTF and the province responsible (1/2 airfare or mileage). CBTF will be responsible for the other expenses as outlined above.
  • If judging compulsories or team only, airfare is not paid.


1992 SBM MOTION #29
  Betty Infilise moved that the Judges Association hold a National Judges Workshop in the fall before the Technical meetings (this will deal with the Judges Association – input on the Level 2 Judges Module) given that there is adequate funding available.


1992 FTM MOTION #51 (RATIFIED – 1992FBM – MOTION #8)
  Jennifer Meron moved that each province host judging seminars for group officials. Seminars to address rules, concepts, philosophies, caption scoring methods, etc. CBTF National Group Committee to coordinate these seminars.


1992 FTM MOTION #52 (RATIFIED – 1992 FBM –MOTION #8)
  Jennifer Meron moved that judges receive copies of any rule changes immediately after approval and that manuals be updated after rule changes.


1992 FTM MOTION #60 (RATIFIED – 1992 FBM – MOTION #8)

Jennnifer Meron moved that we accept the proposed Rating Guide for Groups. That judges be directed as follows:

Any caption score below “good” for a junior or senior group, or below “average” for a primary or juvenile group be cause for the judge to consider giving the group a Protected First. (Note: refers to level C groups). That the Rating Guide be distributed to all group judges and be included in the Module 4 and 5 Officials Certification Course.


1992 FTM MOTION #74 (RATIFIED – 1992 FBM – MOTION #8)
  Loranne Meek moved that whether a judge coaches an athlete for one individual event or several individual events, that athlete is considered his/her student and that judge may not judge that athlete in any individual events.


1992 FTM MOTION #78 (RATIFIED – 1992 FBM –MOTION #8)
  Brenda Cooper moved that the CBTF National Judges Rep receive copies of all provincial judges reps.’ Reports that are given at a provincial level.


1993 STM MOTION #18 (RATIFIED – 1993 SBM – MOTION #18)

Brenda Cooper moved that all CBTF certified/registered judges be paid at a minimum rate of $11.00 per hour.

Effective August 1, 1993


1993 STM MOTION #19 (AMENDED – 1993 SBM – MOTION #27)

Brenda Cooper moved that all CBTF certified/registered judge be paid an overtime rate of 1 ½ times the regular rate ($11.00/hr minimum) after eight (8) hours.

Effective August 1, 1993


  Brenda Cooper moved that all CBTF registered/certified judges working on Provincial Championships/Provincial Team Trials be paid at a rate of $12.00 per hour. Overtime rates applicable.


  Brenda Cooper moved that all CBTF registered/certified judges working on Canadian Championships/Canadian Team Trials be paid at a rate of $13.00 per hour. Overtime rates applicable.



Brenda Cooper moved that a CBTF Certified Judge who decides not to judge, must register with the CBTF Judges’ Association as a Non-Active Judge if they plan on returning at any point in time in the future to judge.

INTENT: To keep them updated to some degree.


1993 STM MOTION #33 (RATIFIED – 1993 SBM – MOTION #18)
  Carrie McKitrick moved that a Module 1 Judge must clerk a minimum of 10 hours and practice judge a minimum of one competition (any additional practice judge time will be determined by the course conductor).


1993 STM MOTION #37
  Carrie McKitrick moved that Module 3 (5) Judges should be allowed to judge CBTF Teams.


1993 FTM MOTION 29 (RATIFIED – 1993 FBM)
  Lili Lepore moved that Judges’ decisions are final.


1993 FTM MOTION #35 (RATIFIED – 1993 FBM)

Theresa Eyssens moved that a CBTF judge cannot judge his/her own students except for the following situations:

  • A CBTF judge who choreographed an individual or group routine may not judge the routine he/she choreographed. He/she may judge athletes in any other events.
  • Any athlete on a team or corps that a group/club director is directly coaching will be considered his/her students. If group/club director is a certified judge, he/she may not judge this athlete in any event. Any other athlete(s) although part of the group/club but not being coached by said director is not considered his/her student and may be judged by said director.


1993 FTM MOTION #41 (RATIFIED – 1993 FBM)
  Theresa Eyssens moved that we implement the status levels as attached for CBTF certified judges.


1994 WTM MOTION #55
  Nancy Beachin moved that at the CBTF National Judges Association Meetings each of the following will get one vote:
- Provincial Judges Reps or designate
- Group Rep
- Badge Rep


  Lili Lepore moved that there be a judges association membership and the directory be updated yearly.


1994 WTM MOTION #57 (RATIFIED – 1944 SBM)
  Susan Irwin moved that judges register for the CBTF Judges Association through their Provincial Membership Chairperson.


1994 WTM MOTION #58 (RATIFIED – 1994 SBM)
  Nancy Beachin moved that the judges association fee be $20.00 based on the fact that the membership period has been changed to 1 yr from 2 yrs.


1994 WTM MOTION #60 (RATIFIED – 1994 SBM)
  Nancy Beachin moved that CBTF Judges updates consist of attending the full certification course. Exams do not have to be rewritten.



Loranne Meek moved that we set the criteria for the WBTF Handbook/ Directory for the interested CBTF judges as follows:

  • Must have passed the CBTF Module 3(5) Judges Course
  • Currently registered CBTF Judge
  • Must be a member in good standing with CBTF

Effective Immediately



That all overtime rates for CBTF judges be removed. An exception may be made if a competition runs for more than ten (10) hours on a given day and the judge and competition director have agreed on additional fees at the time of signing the contract.

Effective Immediately


1994 FBM MOTION #43
  Betty Davis moved that the CBTF Technical Chairperson should not be used as the Head Judge (at the Canadian Team Trials and Canadian Championships) and that she/he only be used to judge at Canadian Team Trials and Canadian Championships as an absolute necessity.



Karen Gratton moved that Myra Kirk, 1995 Canadian Competition Director, has permission to hire Theresa Eyssens, CBTF Technical Chairperson, to judge at the 1995 Canadian Team Trials and Championships.

INTENT: To use her sparingly where absolutely necessary.


1995 STM MOTION #2 (RATIFIED – 1995 FBM)
  Jennifer Meron moved that Ron Kopas, CBTF Judges Rep, conduct a survey of CBTF Certified Judges regarding the colours of pants/skirts/shorts of the official judges’ uniform and present his findings to the 1995 Fall Technical Meeting.



Sharon Donald moved that Badge Adjudicators are not required to be members of the CBTF Judges Association.

Effective October 31/95


1995 STM MOTION #12 (RATIFIED – 1995 FBM)
  Tim King moved that CBTF Judges who attend the WBTF Championships as a Judge must submit a report/synopsis of WBTF Judges’ Training Sessions and WBTF Championships. This report/synopsis is to be sent to the CBTF Judges Rep by October 1st of each year in time for inclusion in the CBTF Judges’ Update.


1995 SBM MOTION #14

Theresa Eyssens moved that the CBTF Judges’ Association Pin as designed by Ron Kopas, CBTF Judges Rep, be produced and distributed at no additional cost to all currently registered judges and any newly registered judges.

INTENT: If the first pin is lost, the judge must pay for any additional replacement pins.


1995 FTM MOTION #18 (RATIFIED – 1995 FBM)

Jennifer Meron moved that we accept 1995 Summer Group Commission Meeting Recommendation #14 as amended which reads:

For a one year trial period, all judges critique tapes for group events be addressed to the coaches.

Effective January 1, 1996



Deardra Leslie moved that, for one year only (95-96), provinces be allowed to hire Module 5(3) Judges to judge corps events even if the judges have individual students participating in those corps events only if necessary. This is due to the fact that there is a small number of certified Module 4 & 5(3) judges at this time. This would only be permitted for local open competitions.

** AS PER 1996 FTM (PROPOSAL #7) RATIFIED AT 1996 FBM (MOTION #9): Time frame to be extended to include the 1996-97 competition season & that this be reviewed annually at the CBTF Summer Technical Meeting.



Nancy Beachin moved that judges who are coaches* and/or group/club directors* can judge the penalty caption for corps routines that they coach or choreograph from their group/club if necessary.

Effective Immediately

CLARIFICATION: *Refers to those who are certifed Module 5(3) Judges


1995 FTM MOTION #34 (RATIFIED – 1995 FBM)
  Tim King moved that, effective immediately, grey and black pants, skirts and walking shorts are acceptable for the CBTF Judges Uniform. Starting January 1, 1997, all pants, skirts and walking shorts must be black in colour.



Deardra Leslie moved that Motion #34 of the ’95 FTM be amended to read:

That revisions to the current CBTF Judges’ Uniform will be:

  1. Walking Shorts – knee length
  2. Skirts – knee length to mid calf
  3. Hose or Tights – black, skintone or grey
  4. Ties/Scarves – grey, black, red or a combination of the three

It is important that a professional and immaculate appearance be maintained.

Effective January 1, 1996


1995 FTM MOTION #37 (RATIFIED – 1995 FBM)
  Karen Gratton moved that Theresa Eyssens has permission to add graphics to the proposed revision to the CBTF Judges’ Contract as prepared by Tina Larson and reduce it to two pages. She will then forward the completed form to Ron Kopas, CBTF Judges Rep, for presentation and approval at the 1995 Fall Board Meeting.


1995 FBM MOTION #49
  Karen Gratton moved that the cost of the Judges Association Pin will be $8.00 which includes postage and handling.


1995 FBM MOTION #50

Elva Taylor moved that Badge Adjudicators should not be given CBTF Judges Pin unless they are also certified CBTF Judges.

Effective October 31, 1995


1995 FBM MOTION #51
  Cyndy Park moved that the term “Judges Association” refer to the body of certified judges in Canada. The term “Coaches Association” refer to the body of certified coaches in Canada.


1995 FBM MOTION #65
  Sheila Rodgers moved that we ratify the selection of judges for the 1996 Canadian Team Trials. The judges are: Ron Kopas, Deardra Leslie, Brenda Cooper, Krista Young, Lynda Garland, Tina Larson, Kim Genton, Wendy Cruickshank, Karen Gratton (compulsories only), and Brenda Bennett. Reserve list will be: Sandra Hill, Denise Cuthbert, Tim King and Darlene King.


1996 SBM MOTION #6

Karen Gratton moved that the procedure for CBTF Judges and Badge Adjudicators (B.A.) to register annually with the CBTF Judges Association be as follows:

  1. Indicate on their provincial membership forms that they wish to belong to the Judges Assoc. and include their Assoc. annual fee, along with their Type 05 (Judges) or Type 06 (Adjudicator) CBTF registration fee.
  2. Provincial Membership Chair then submits a Master List of the Judges and B.A. who have paid their Judges Assoc. fee to the CBTF Judges Rep with a copy to the CBTF Treasurer along with other CBTF membership fees.
  3. CBTF Judges Rep then issues Information Update Forms, as necessary, for National Judges Assoc. records to the judges/adjudicators who have registered.



Brenda Hall proposed that the Competition Manual (Page 5-6) be revised to read:

The minimum number of judges per division that are required for Individual and Duet Winner/Championship events are as follows:

  1. City or Region within a province - 1 judge
  2. Provincials - 2 judges for all rounds
  3. Nationals - 2 judges for Preliminary and Semi-Finals; 3 judges for Finals


1996 STM PROPOSAL #10 (RATIFIED – 1996 SBM – MOTION #13)
  Brenda Hall proposed that we accept the revision to the CBTF Official Judges’ Contract.


1996 FBM MOTION #10
  Karen Gratton moved that CBTF members in good standing who are knowledgeable in Baton Twirling and CBTF Judging procedures (ie: practice judges, Module 1 Judges evaluating Module 2 events for experience, older advanced athletes interested in the judging field, former Baton judges) be allowed to evaluate participants at CBTF-sanctioned Type C Competitions.


1996 FBM MOTION #11
  Elva Taylor moved that we make the Judges Directory available for sale at $8.00. Contact the CBTF Manual Chairperson.


  Brenda Hall proposed that a judge that coaches an athlete in group events only will be permitted to judge that athlete in any individual events and/or any judge that coaches an athlete in individual events only will be permitted to judge that athlete in any group event. This is only for open competitions and only if absolutely necessary. A judge cannot judge any routine that he/she coaches/choreographs.


1996 FTM PROPOSAL #12 (RATIFIED – 1996 FBM – MOTION #13)

Ron Kopas proposed that we form a Judges’ Commission to meet each year at Nationals to focus on the development of Judges’ Programs. This Commission would include all Provincial Judges’ Reps and all certified Judges Course Conductors. This meeting would be chaired by the CBTF Judges Rep.

Effective Immediately



Ron Kopas proposed that white lightweight sweaters with no lace, buttons, collars, zippers or other such trim be accepted as part of the Judges Official Uniform. Sleeveless, short or long sleeves are acceptable. Neck Line (crew-neck, V-neck, turtleneck) must be appropriate to the jacket style.

Effective Immediately



Loranne Meek proposed that the following set fees be established for Canadian Team Trial Judges:

$100 Junior Women
$25 Junior Men
$100 Senior Women
$25 Senior Men
$25 Compulsory Event
$75 Junior Pair
$75 Senior Pair
$100 Team

CLARIFICATION: This fee includes attendance at all meetings and critiques.

Judges would receive a $25.00/day per diem ($6.00 Breakfast; $7.00 Lunch; $12 Dinner). Full airfare/transportation, accommodation costs would be paid by the host province. To be reviewed on an annual basis.

Effective January 1, 1997


1997 FTM PROPOSAL #20 (Ratified - 97 FBM - Motion #22a)

Ron Kopas proposed that present Module 3 Judges must attend the compulsory portion of the WBTF Masters/M3 Exam to judge Provincial and National Team Trials beginning in the 1998 season.

Masters Course Conductors will give feedback to the participant on areas of concern. The Compulsory practical portion must be taken but not marked. Current Masters Judges may be used to conduct the updating seminars for compulsories only.

Effective Immediately


1997 FTM PROPOSAL #43 (Amended & Ratified - 97 FBM - Motion #22-A)

Tina Larson proposed that we accept the following Judges’ Contract procedure:

  1. Competition Director will complete the Contract, sign it and send it to the Judge.
  2. Judge fills in appropriate information and signs the document. If any revisions from the Contract are required from the Judge, these revisions are made and initialled by the Judge.
  3. The Competition Director receives the Contract and reviews the information. Any revisions that are accepted by the Competition Director must be initialled.
  4. If any revisions are required to the Contract after this time, both parties must initial changes.


1997 FBM MOTION #23

Karen Gratton moved that:

  1. The CBTF Judges Directory shall be distributed to the following: CBTF President, CBTF Technical Chair, CBTF Sanction Officer, Provincial Judges Reps, Provincial Technical Chairs.
  2. The CBTF Judges Update shall be distributed to the following: CBTF Executive Members and all registered Judges Association Judges and Badge Adjudicators.

Effective Immediately


1997 FBM MOTION #24

Elva Taylor moved that we send a Judges Directory to the Provincial Sanction Officers as well as the Manual Coordinator for CBTF.

Effective Immediately


1998 FBM MOTION #13 (AMENDED – 00 FBM – MOTION #6)

Karen Gratton moved that the Canadian Team Trial Judges Set Fee be increased as follows:

  • $50.00 each Junior/Senior Compulsories
  • $25.00 each Junior/Senior Men
  • $75.00 each Junior/Senior Pair
  • $125.00 each Junior/Senior Women
  • $100.00 Teams

Fee includes attendance at all meetings and critiques, If meals are not provided, judges would receive a $35.00 maximum per diem (ie: $10.00 breakfast; $10.00 lunch; $15.00 dinner). Receipts must be provided. The event host would pay airfare/transportation and accommodation costs. To be reviewed on an annual basis.

INTENT: These are maximum figures. It was not the intent to pay the full amount if, for example, there was only one male athlete in a division.

Effective January 1, 1999


1998 FBM MOTION #22

Myra Kirk moved that the Official CBTF Judges Contract be revised to include the following statement:

The Competition Director reserves the right to amend judging assignments as the need arises.


1998 FBM MOTION #23

Betty Davis moved that in the CBTF Policy Manual under Judges, Page 6, add:

Judges who fail to honour a signed contract without acceptable notification may be subject to a penalty.

Also, add under “Penalties for Violations”:

Monetary Fines as deemed necessary by the Competition Director. The Record of Violation must be filled out.



Sylvia Kernohan proposed that when an athlete is in a Winner Event being judged by two or more judges, the minimum score or better must be received from at least one judge in order to advance. (Note: Preliminary and Semi-final rounds do not count for advancement)

Effective Immediately


  Ron Kopas proposed that we accept the Position Paper on Professionalism of Judges as presented by Ron Kopas with amendments.



Sylvia Kernohan proposed that, pending completion of the M1B Judges Module, the following certified judges will be qualified to judge M1B Events:

  1. M1 Judges who are also M2 Judges
  2. M1A Judges who are also M2 Judges
  3. M2 Judges

Effective Immediately


2001 FBM MOTION #17

Rita Eggett moved that Ron Kopas (former CBTF Judges Rep) ship all CBTF materials and records to Tina Larson (current CBTF Judges Rep) as soon as possible using reasonable cost methods to be billed to CBTF.

DIRECTIVE: Ron to coordinate costs with Betty Davis, CBTF Treasurer.


2002 SBM MOTION #3

Lynne Opperman moved that the CBTF Judges at Canadians be paid their judging fees at the completion of their judging assignment. The miscellaneous fees (for example: taxis, meals, etc) to be tallied and checked by the CBTF Treasurer and then the cheque will be mailed out to the judges. Under no circumstances will monies be paid out unless receipts have been handed into the CBTF Treasurer.

Effective July 13, 2002


2002 SBM MOTION #25 (*AMENDED – 2008 SBM – MOTION #13 – see below)

Karen Gratton moved that the only competitions that will be sanctioned during the period May 1-31st (including weekends that include those dates) will be Type “A” competitions (ie: Provincial Team Trials and Championships) and Type “C” competitions ( ie: closed, studio, “fun” events).

CLARIFICATION #1: M3, 4 and 5 Judges will only be available to judge Type “A” competitions during this “blackout” period.

CLARIFICATION #2: The CBTF Sanction Officer will have the authority to award sanction permits to Type “B” competition requests IF a date during this “blackout” period is open and available.

CLARIFICATION #3: Exception - Type B” Open Competition held in conjunction with Provincials.


2003 SBM MOTION #24

Betty Davis moved that judges at Canadian Team Trials and the Open Competition will be paid their judging fees and all miscellaneous expenses (eg: taxis, meals, etc) as soon after these competitions are complete. Judges at the Canadian Championships will be paid their judging fees and all miscellaneous expenses (eg: taxis, meals, etc) within 7 days from the completion of the competition.

Effective Immediately


2004 FBM MOTION #21

Karen Gratton moved that Proposal #14, 2004 FTM (Recommendation #8, L2/M1 Course Workshop, Sept 2003) be accepted as follows:

That the judging process of lowering to the next grade in Basic March and Forward Motion when as athlete is out of step be abolished. Out of step shall be considered as to the overall effect it has on the performance and scored accordingly in the Timing/Rhythm captions of the critique forms.


2004 FBM MOTION #49 (**SEE 2005 FBM, MOTION #30 BELOW)

Karen Gratton moved to accept the following Policy regarding Judges who coach or choreograph competition routines:

  1. A judge must not judge any student and/or group he/she is the primary coach of.
  2. A judge must not judge any routine he/she coached or choreographed.
  3. It is at the discretion of the judge whether he/she chooses to judge an athlete/group that he/she coached/choreographed at an Open Camp/Clinic (ie: open to all twirlers).
  4. A judge must not judge any athlete/group that he/she coached/choreographed at a Closed Camp/Clinic (ie: closed to include only members of a specifc club/group/studio).

Note: See Judges Code of Ethics

All entry forms must provide space to indicate an athlete’s/group’s Choreographer, if possible.

Definition of “Coach” – a person who works with an athlete/group.
Definition of “Choreographer – a person who designs a routine in part or full.


2005 FBM MOTION #11

Karen Gratton moved that Proposal #2, 2005 STM be accepted as follows:

That CBTF adopt the following “Judges Professional Image Policy”: The panel of judges at each local, provincial and national competition shall present a professional image from the time they leave the judges meeting room until they return. AT the judging table there should be an absolute minimum amount of conversation amongst the judges, thereby allowing judges to maintain their focus and integrity as competent competition personnel. A minimum amount of discussion may occur between the judges with clerks, competition directors and/or head judge as necessary.


2005 FBM MOTION #28

Karen Gratton moved that the following statement be added to the World Judge Selection Process:

World Judges must have judged at the Canadian Team Trials in the year they are scheduled to judge at Worlds.

CLARIFICATION: Extenuating circumstances will be considered by the CBTF Executive.


2005 FBM MOTION #30

Karen Gratton moved that CBTF adopt the following “Conflict of Interest Policy” regarding judges who coach or choreograph competitive routines:

  1. In all cases, it shall be the responsibility and right of a CBTF Judge to disqualify him/herself from judging an athlete/group. The Judge must report any conflicts of interest to the competition director (or person responsible for judging assignments) on the judging contract or immediately upon reporting for a judging assignment at a competition.
  2. A CBTF Judge must not judge any student, relative or group he/she coaches.
  3. A CBTF Judge must not judge any former students for a minimum period of one competitive season following the termination of the coach/student relationship.
  4. An athlete is a judge’s student by nature of his/her membership in the judge’s club.
  5. A CBTF Judge must not judge any routine he/she choreographed (in part or full).
  6. Should a CBTF Judge have a student or relative who trains with a club, he/she must not judge any member of that club in any event.
  7. A CBTF Judge may judge those athletes/groups he/she has taught at Open Camps & Clinics in a class environment (eg: a rolls class where several athletes participate).
  8. If a CBTF Judge has an established business relationship with another coach/group/organization/club, he/she must not judge any of that coach’s/group’s/organization’s/club’s athletes or groups. An established business relationship is defined as when a judge participates in the development of another coach’s athletes/groups more than once within a competition season or on an annual basis of at least two years.
  9. Other reasons to disqualify self from judging an athlete/group:
    • An emotional bond with athlete or with close relative of the athlete.
    • Former commitment of the strength that the judge is unable to sever.
    • Conflict situation the judge is unable to resolve or forget.
    • Anything positive or negative that will, to any degree, distract the judge from producing an unbiased placement for that athlete/group.

NOTE: See CBTF Judges Code of Ethics

NOTE: All entry forms must provide a space to indicate an athlete’s/group’s Choreographer.


2006 SBM MOTION #8

Karen Gratton moved that Proposal #4, 2006 STM be accepted as amended:

That the Judges’ Contract be amended to reflect that the judge has read and is aware of the CBTF Code of Ethics/Conduct and the CBTF Judges’ Professional Image Policy and will abide by these accordingly.


2008 SBM MOTION #24

Lucinda McMaster moved that black Capri dress pants and dress sandals be added to the Judges’ Uniform Policy. Hose or Tights are optional. The following statement will be added to the Policy:

Judges are expected to dress and appear professional at all times.


2008 SBM MOTION #14

Karen Gratton moved that the CBTF Sanction Officier be directed to NOT SANCTION any Type B (Open) Competitions on dates that have been officially designated for Type A Provincial Team Trials and Championships.

Clarification: The CBTF Technical Chair shall have the authority to permit an Open Type B Competition to be sanctioned if all the judges have been hired and contracted for the provincials on that particular date. (Exception: those Type B competitions that are held in conjunction with provincials).


2008 SBM MOTION #25
  Jeff Johnson moved that the judges meeting held prior to the start of Canadian Team Trials be sanctioned as a WBTF Master Judges Update. Attendance by all Canadian Team Trial Judges at that year’s Team Trials is mandatory. All other Master Judges are welcome to attend. Funding for this meeting will come from the Judges’ Program. The meeting shall be a minimum of 3 hours in duration.


2008 FBM MOTION #37

Karen Gratton moved to accept Proposal #37, 2008 FTM that reads:

To have five judges on Level B Freestyle and Pair Panels at Canadians so that the high and low scores will be dropped.


2009 SBM MOTION #12

Karen Gratton moved to accept the provisional hiring of USTA Judges for CBTF Competitions Policy as a permanent policy.

CLARIFICATION: Remove the reference that applies this to only 2009.


2009 FEM MOTION #5

Karen Gratton moved that, on an annual basis, in order to determine the two judges for the World Championships and International Cup, the Executive shall appoint Judge #1. The Selection Committee shall select Judge #2.

CLARIFICATION: That, in an International Cup year, the Selection Committee shall select Judge#2 and may also select additional judges who must travel on their own expense.

CLARIFICATION: Judge #1 shall represent Canada at the WBTF Winter and Summer Judges' Committee Meetings.


2009 FEM MOTION #6

Karen Gratton moved that the CBTF Executive appoint the members of the World Judges' Selection Committee each year based on the following composition:

  • CBTF Technical Chair (Committee Chair)
  • A person with technical expertise and knowledge of WBTF events & procedures
  • Two judges who have the following credentials:
    • Master Judges who do not intend to apply in that specific year
    • M5 Judges who do not have Masters certification
  • Two coaches who have had athletes qualify for and compete at Worlds and/or Intl Cup within the past 5 years
  • The CBTF President shall be an ex-officio member with no voting privileges

The CBTF Technical Chair shall be responsible to contact those people the Executive wishes to invite on the Selection Committee.

CLARIFICATION: This will rescind the current Rotation System.


2009 FEM MOTION #7

Karen Gratton moved that the World Judge Selection Process be revised as follows:

In early fall of the year prior to the World Championships/Intl Cup, the CBTF Technical Chair shall invite all CBTF certified and current Master Judges to submit an application to be considered as a judge to represent Canada at the Worlds/Intl Cup the following summer. The application will feature questions that the judge shall provide answers for consideration by the Selection Committee.


2009 FBM MOTION #29 (2009 FTM - Prop #18)

Karen Gratton moved that the following shall clarify what those judges who have the (old) M5 course certification and those judges who have the WBTF Masters certification are qualified to judge:

  • M5 with no Short Program: provincial & national team trial events excluding Short Program
  • M5 with Short Program: provincial & national team trial events including Short Program
  • Masters: provincial & national team trial events including Short Program and World Championships.


2009 FBM MOTION #30 (2009 FTM - Prop #19)

Karen Gratton moved:

  • That CBTF certified M2 judges are qualified to judge Solo, 2-Baton and 3-Baton at the CBTF International Cup Qualifier and the WBTF International Cup.
  • That CBTF certified M3 judges are qualified to judge Team and Group at the CBTF International Cup Qualifier and WBTF International Cup
  • That CBTF certified M5 (old course) judges are qualified to judge Solo, 2-Baton, 3-Baton, Team and Group at the CBTF International Cup Qualifier and WBTF International Cup
  • That CBTF certified Master judges are qualified to judge Solo, 2-Baton, 3-Baton, Team and Group at the CBTF International Cup Qualifier and WBTF International Cup

CLARIFICATION: Once the WBTF establishes its rules & guidelines for Solo Dance Twirl and Pair Dance Twirl, those eligibility criteria will be re-evaluated.


2009 FBM MOTION #34 (2009 FTM - Prop #22)

Karen Gratton moved that the CBTF Judges' Post-Competition Peer Review Meeting Policy be accepted as presented.

Effective Immediately


2012 FBM MOTION #30 (2012 FTM Prop #15)

Elan Paluck moved to permit collegiate athletes to judge within their module certification without having to discontinue competitive twirling. The following restrictions shall apply to the certified athlete:

  • not to judge senior and collegiate divisions
  • not to judge athletes they have competed against in the previous three (3) seasons
  • to judge only at local closed and open competitions during the time they are still competing
  • not to judge at a competition where they are entered as a competitor.


2012 FBM MOTION #31 (2012 FTM Prop #16)

Elan Paluck moved that old M3 (corps) and M4 (teams) judges must attend/audit the new module M3 course over a four year period to retain their judging status.

Effective January 2013


2012 FBM MOTION #32 (2012 FTM Prop #17)

Elan Paluck moved that the M5 certification shall no longer be recognized.

Effective January 1, 2017


2012 FBM MOTION #33 (2012 FTM Prop #18)

Elan Paluck moved that the WBTF Role Models be adopted for use in Canada.

Effective January 1, 2013


2012 FBM MOTION #34 (2012 FTM Prop #19)

Elan Paluck moved that all registered M2 and M3 judges are required to update these courses every four (4) years in any one of the following ways:

  • by auditing the course
  • by judging at a Provincial or Canadian Winner/Championship
  • by sitting in on a Provincial** or Canadian Winner/Championships Focus Meeting.

CLARIFICATION: Provincial's head judge to send an agenda, in advance, to the CBTF Judges' Rep to be accepted as a full focus meeting.


2013 Fall Conference MOTION #13 (2013 Pre-FTM Proposal 2)

Karen Gratton proposed to accept the Online Practice Judging Process as a pilot project for the 2013-14 season (Exception: no fee shall be charged during the pilot season).

Intent: Wendy Cruickshank shall run the pilot project and report back at the 2014 FTM.


2013 Fall Conference MOTION #21 (Technical Proposal 1)

Karen Gratton proposed to accept the Head Judge Selection Criteria & Roles and Responsibilities as presented. Refer to the Head Judge Selection Criteria and Head Judge Duties & Responsibilities documents.

Effective Immediately


2013 Fall Conference MOTION #23 (Technical Proposal 3)

Karen Gratton proposed to accept the Process for Selecting Supervising Judges for Practical Assignments as presented. Refer to the Practice Judge Supervisor Policy.

Effective Immediately


2013 Fall Conference MOTION #29
  I move that CBTF provide an honorarium (amount to be determined) for additional Canadian judges that will be required at the 2015 International Cup.


2014 FBM MOTION #16

Elan moved that 2014 FTM Proposal #6 be accepted:

That, at all open and provincial sanctioned competitions, International Cup Qualifier and International Cup, a judge with M5 (up until 2017) and Master’s Certification must be used to judge the Artistic Twirl and Artistic Pair events.

Effective Immediately