
1985 SBM MOTION #5
  Betty Infilise moved that a Technical meeting be held in the fall of each year separate from the AGM, starting with the fall of 1985. When possible this meeting will be held in conjunction with the fall executive meeting.


1985 AGM MOTION #22
  Elaine Jacobs moved that motions made in technical meetings be accepted and not brought forward to the AGM.


1985 FTM MOTION #2
  Sandra Watt moved that only voting delegates are to propose motions and second motions at meetings.


1985 FTM MOTION #3
  Sandra Watt moved that all Provincial Technical Chairpersons prepare a written report for National technical meetings and distribute these reports at meetings.


1985 FTM MOTION #32
  Debbie Nikolai moved that rule changes and minutes to be sent out to Technical Committee within 30 days of Technical meeting.


1987 AGM MOTION #16
  Pat Stevenson moved that all motions in the technical meeting be approved. (Re: 1987 STM)


1989 SBM MOTION #1
  Laurie Mack moved that the 30 day notice of meeting be waived for the holding of the CBTF Board of Directors Meeting July 1989.


1989 SBM MOTION #16
  Brenda Lebel moved that guidelines be set by the National Executive for reports presented at annual meetings.


1989 SBM MOTION #23
  Brenda Lebel moved that the BOD meet semi-annually. This year the meeting to be held in Montreal in the fall.


1989 AGM MOTION #1
  Betty Infilise moved that we waive Article VI, Section 11, 11G - Notice of Meeting of the Board.


1989 FBM MOTION #22
  Tim King moved that the CBTF Coaches and Judges Reps have their travel and accommodation expenses paid when asked to attend all duly called National Board and Technical Meetings. Retroactive to October 1, 1989.


1991 FTM MOTION #19 (RATIFIED - 91 FBM - MOTION #25)
  Betty Infilise moved that the CBTF Technical Meeting (Fall and Summer) do not run simultaneously with CBTF Board Meetings unless due to special circumstances.


1991 FBM MOTION #32
  Betty Davis moved that we pay the travel and meal allowance for the Sanction Officer and past Technical Chairperson as they are required to attend CBTF Technical Meetings.


  Betty Infilise moved that the minutes of the Group Meeting must be sent to the Board of Directors within two (2) weeks of the July 4/92 Group Meeting and that a motion form will be included with the minutes approving the Group Committee minutes. This form must be returned to the CBTF Secretary within 30 days.


1992 FBM MOTION #6
  Sylvia Day moved that Brenda Cooper be offered $500 honourarium towards a trip to Den Bosch, Holland for the 1992 WBTF Judges Association meeting. If, in turn, Brenda does not choose to attend this meeting, the $500 honourarium will be offered to Ron Kopas who will be attending the WBTF Winter Technical Meeting in Den Bosch, Holland.


1992 FBM MOTION #7
  Deardra Leslie moved that the CBTF host another CBTF Technical Meeting in February 1993.


1992 FBM MOTION #30 ** RESCINDED - 97 FBM - MOTION #28

Karen Gratton moved that all CBTF meetings (exception: those held in conjunction with Canadian Championships), where CBTF is responsible for funding, be held in the province where the majority of participants reside.

RECOMMENDATION: Airfare for the provincial reps required to attend meetings referenced in Motion #30 above, should be averaged to make sure all provinces pay an equal amount.


1994 FBM MOTION #52
  Theresa Eyssens moved that the CBTF Winter Technical Meeting be held the weekend of March 3 & 4, 1995.


1995 SBM MOTION #9 (AMENDED - 99 FBM - MOTION #10)
(AMENDED - 00 FBM - MOT #6)
(AMENDED - 04 SEM - MOT #4)
(AMENDED - 04 FBM - MOT #8)
(AMENDED - 08 SBM - MOT #11)

Karen Gratton moved that the new CBTF Meeting Expense Policy be accepted as amended and this Policy to be inserted into the CBTF Policy Manual. It reads:


Meeting Room
- Maximum of $100.00 per day, only if hotel will not provide a free meeting room with room bookings and no other hotel can be booked.

- Airfare, mileage to and from airport ($.40/km) and parking are paid expenses. Taxi Service to & from meeting site, limousine/bus service to and from airport.
- All meetings will be held in the city that will minimize travel and accommodation costs (exception: those held during Canadian Championships).
- Transportation costs to CBTF sanctioned meetings will only be paid for those members who attend for the full duration of the meeting. Should extenuating circumstances arise, the member must submit , in writing, a request to the CBTF President who, in consultation with the CBTF Executive, shall consider the request.

- Meals paid with receipts to a maximum of $35.00 per day plus tax.
- During meetings: maximum of $2.00 per person per day with regards to coffee, tea, light snacks, etc. expenses.

- Cost will vary with city and time of year.
- All members to stay at same hotel to maximize discounts.
- Must be at least 100 km away from home to have accommodation paid by CBTF. Extenuating circumstances will be considered (weather conditions, lateness of meeting)


1995 FBM MOTION #26

Ron Kopas moved that all Committees (ie: Group Commission, Judges Commitee) send "RECOMMENDATIONS" to the Technical Committee. The Technical Committee send 'PROPOSALS' to the Board of Directors for ratification. Only CBTF Executive and Board of Directors will make "MOTIONS" that place new rules and policies into place.

INTENT: This terminology to be followed in order to avoid the confusion in using the word "motion".


1997 SBM MOTION #22
  Rita Eggett moved that clarification of the number of representatives permitted to attend a CBTF Group Committee Meeting be provided with the agendas for all Group Committee Meetings based on the CBTF Group Declaration records for each year. Effective immediately


1997 FEM MOTION #4
  Karen Gratton moved that the Technical Committee hold a meeting in the spring of 1998 to replace the 1998 summer meeting. Date to be determined by the Technical Chairperson as soon as possible.


1997 FBM MOTION #12

Betty Davis moved that CBTF members or any other interested parties who wish to attend a CBTF Executive, Board of Directors or Committee meeting must:

  1. Be invited by a member of the said meeting.
  2. Provide a written request outlining their reason for wishing to attend. After such a request has been received the request will be considered by the Chairperson and any other involved parties. If the request is to be granted, the person will attend for the specific purpose only.

Effective immediately


1997 FBM MOTION #26
  Sandra Vanderbyl moved that CBTF will not fund sub-committee meetings during summer 1998 due to financial restraints.


1997 FBM MOTION #28

Betty Davis moved that Motion #30 from the 1992 Fall Board Meeting be rescinded and replaced with the following:

  1. All CBTF meetings must be held in the province where the majority of the CBTF funded members reside (exception: meetings held in conjunction with Canadians).
  2. That all Provincial Representatives must arrange their flights through the official CBTF Travel Agent. The cost will be averaged and each Province will pay their fare share. (Exception: In situations where the use of the CBTF Travel Agent would present personal hardship - ie: group travel).

Effective Immediately


1998 FBM MOTION #4
  Stephanie Infurnari moved that we host the 1999 Summer Board Meeting at a time and location that is most cost effective providing it is not in conflict with our by-laws.


1998 FBM MOTION #5

Laura Jean moved that a Forum for members be held in conjunction with the 1999 Canadian Championships in Vancouver where members can meet with the Board Members in attendance at these championships for the purpose of discussion, receiving information and discussing concerns. The AGM will be held in conjunction with the Summer Board of Directors Meeting, location to be determined taking into consideration cost effectiveness.

Effective Immediately


1999 FBM MOTION #30

Joan McNaughton moved that when a motion is passed, the motion it replaces be automatically rescinded and noted in the Motion Handbook and not individually done at the Board Meeting.

INTENT: To save time.


2001 FBM MOTION #6

Joan McNaughton moved that we reduce the Technical, Executive and Board of Directors meetings to one (1) each per year. These meetings would need to be three (3) days in length.

Effective January 2002


2001 FBM MOTION #9
  Elva Taylor moved that we send two (2) delegates to the WBTF Technical Meeting in London, England February 2002. Total expenses not to exceed $4,000.00.


2004 FBM MOTION #56

Betty Davis moved that the 2005 CBTF Technical Meeting be held July 9 & 10, 2005 following the Canadian Championships. The 2005 CBTF Board of Directors Meeting be held in Sept/Oct, 2005.

Effective Immediately


2006 SBM MOTION #1

Karen Gratton moved to accept the agenda for the 2006 Summer Board of Directors Meeting with the following additions:

a. World Judges' Application
b. Wording of the Creeds
c. Medical Bye Policy


2006 SBM MOTION #4

Karen Gratton moved to accept the revisions, clarifications and amendments regarding the payment of expenses for the following:

  1. Executive Meetings
  2. Board of Directors and Annual General Meetings
  3. Technical Committee Meetings
  4. Judges
  5. Volunteer Committees

This will be referred to as the CBTF Expense Policy.

DIRECTIVE: To be included in the CBTF Policy Manual.


Aug 2006 Executive Conference Call MOTION #1
  Karen Gratton moved to waive the 30-day notice of agenda to all members of the August 13, 2006 Executive Conference Call Meeting due to time restraints.


2006 FBM MOTION #14
  Sandra Watt moved that the ten day notice required for conference calls be waived upon approval of the CBTF President and agreement of the parties involved.


2006 FBM MOTION #17

Sandra Watt moved that the Board of Directors approve the use of telephone and electronic (email) voting on issues presented to the Board requiring a Board decision where the Board cannot be brought together due to time and/or costs.

CLARIFICATION: Safeguards to prevent improper use of the telephone and/or electronic voting will be placed in the CBTF bylaws.

CLARIFICATION: This will be presented as a Bylaw Amendment at the 2007 Annual General Meeting.


2007 FBM MOTION #18
  Jeff Johnson moved that the 10 day notice of meeting policy be waived for any Executive and Board of Directors conference call meetings that will be held during 2007-2008.


BOD E-VOTE Nov 30/08 MOTION #2
  Karen Gratton moved to hold a CBTF Winter Technical Committee Meeting in 2008. Suggested date: January 25-27, 2008 in Calgary.


BOD E-VOTE Apr 4/08 MOTION #E8-08

Loranne Meek moved to accept the Province of Quebec as a member of CBTF with the following provisions, rules and guidelines:

… 4. The Quebec President and Technical Chairperson may attend all CBTF meetings with speaking/non-voting privileges…

(See New Member Provinces for full motion)


2008 SBM MOTION #11

Karen Gratton moved that the kilometer rate be increased from 25 cents to 40 cents.

Effective September 1, 2008


2008 SBM MOTION #25
  Jeff Johnson moved that the judges meeting held prior to the start of Canadian Team Trials be sanctioned as a WBTF Master Judge Update. Attendance by all Canadian Team Trial Judges at that year's Team Trials, is mandatory. All other Master Judges are welcome to attend. Funding for this meeting will come from the Judges Program. The meeting shall be a minimum of 3 hours in duration.


2008 FEM MOTION #2
  Karen Gratton moved to accept the minutes of the 2007 Fall Executive Meeting with the amendment to page 1 "Opening Remarks" - paragraph 2 and a clarification provided regarding page 3 "Change to Head Office of the Corporation" that, in actuality, the bylaws do state that the Federation's Head Office is the address of the President.


2008 FEM MOTION #2
  Gail Ashcroft moved to accept the minutes from the 2008 Summer Board of Directors Meeting with one revision to section F "Treasurer's Report", #3 on page 3 - sentence should read: "explanation of what funds have been earmarked and for 'what'".


2008 FBM MOTION #40
  Gail Ashcroft moved that the notice of meeting for Conference Calls (10 days prior to call), be waived, if necessary.


2008 FBM MOTION #43
  Karen Gratton moved that the CBTF Meeting Expense Policy be revised to add the following: "The organizer shall seek out the best available rates for meeting expenses."


2009 FBM MOTION #5
  Karen Gratton moved to approve the revised CBTF Expense Policy (revision #3, Nov 2009).


2009 FBM MOTION #10
  Bonnie Brinker moved that we send both the Technical Chair and Judges Rep to the 2010 WBTF winter meeting (Bergen, Norway) using the most economical means possible.


2009 FBM MOTION #34 (2009 FTM - Prop #22)

Karen Gratton moved that the CBTF Judges' Post-Competition Peer Review Meeting Policy be accepted as presented.

Effective Immediately


2009 FEM MOTION #5

Karen Gratton moved that, on an annual basis, in order to determine the two judges for the World Cup and International Cup, the Executive shall appoint Judge #1. The Selection Committee shall select Judge #2.

CLARIFICATION: That, in an International Cup year, the Selection Committee shall select Judge#2 and may also select additional judges who must travel on their own expense.

CLARIFICATION: Judge #1 shall represent Canada at the WBTF Winter and Summer Judges' Committee Meetings.


2010 SBM MOTION #6

Michelle Bretherick moved that CBTF include a yearly budget for 1 member to attend the WBTF Winter Meetings with discussion taking place at the FBM to determine the need for CBTF to send an additional member to the meeting. At that time, the Board will review the agenda topics of the WBTF Winter Meetings, the cost of attending and the fiscal position of the organization to decide if an additional representative should be sent.

Effective Date: July 10, 2010


2011 FBM MOTION #19
  Gail Ashcroft moved that the CBTF send the CBTF Technical Chair and CBTF Judges Rep to the 2012 WBTF Winter Meeting in Paris, France.


2011 AGM MOTION #9

Joanne Moser moved to accept the change to Article F, by adding Section 11.1 A) of the By-Laws to read as follows:

11.1 A) In the event the Provincial Chairperson/President cannot represent his or her Provincial Association at a meeting of the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting of the Federation, or at any other meeting as required, then a Board Member of that Provincial Association, appointed by Provincial Board motion, a certified copy of which shall be provided to CBTF in advance of any such meeting, shall be entitled to represent that Provincial Association at that meeting. Such representative shall, notwithstanding Article G 1.2, have the right to vote at such meeting.

(NOTE: This constitutional bylaw change was approved by Industry Canada)


2012 SBM MOTION #12
  Michelle Bretherick moved that Meal Allowances (per diem rates) be left as is for the 2012-2013 season.


2012 FBM MOTION #9
  Michelle Bretherick moved move that an Annual Conference be organized to replace the 2013 SBM, AGM, FTM and FBM. The inaugural meeting is to be held September 5-8, 2013.


2013 Executive eVote eVote E13-01
  CBTF shall fund the Technical Chair, National Judges Rep and President to attend the 2013 WBTF Winter Meetings in Amsterdam, Netherlands.


2013 Fall Conference MOTION #4
  I move that CBTF make available, in order to ensure equal representation by all provinces at CBTF annual meetings, funding to attend the meetings is available to any province with a demonstrated financial need. Upon formal request (email to president a minimum of 45 days in advance of scheduled meeting dates) and approval by the CBTF executive, the CBTF will cover up to a maximum of the cost of travel (equivalent to the cost shared amount), the cost of hotel (equal to ½ a room per night), as well as the CBTF per diem for the days required to attend.


2014 AGM MOTION #1

Jeff moved to accept the Province of Nova Scotia as a Full Member Province of the Canadian Baton Twirling Federation as of September 7, 2014 with the following provisions and rights:

  1. That Nova Scotia’s Non-Profit Society Status Certificate has been received and a copy to be forwarded to the CBTF President.
  2. The Nova Scotia Chairperson and Technical Chairperson may attend all CBTF meetings with full speaking and voting privileges.
  3. Nova Scotia’s registered athletes may participate in all CBTF sanctioned competitions and events.
  4. Nova Scotia’s registered athletes may represent their province at CBTF national competitions.
  5. Nova Scotia shall have its own provincial membership form and fees commencing in the 2015-16 season and members shall continue to have insurance coverage through CBTF Direct Membership.
Effective: September 7, 2014


eVote E14-03 Ratified 2014 AGM MOTION #5
  I move to approve funding, as per CBTF Policy, for two provincial representatives from British Columbia to attend the 2014 Fall Conference.


eVote E140-4 Ratified 2014 AGM MOTION #5
  I move to approve funding, as per CBTF Policy, for one provincial representative from Quebec to attend the 2014 Fall Conference.


2014 FEM MOTION #4
  Beth moved that the location of the CBTF Fall Conference shall be held in one of the two cities in which the national events will be held in the coming year. The location will be the city that is most cost effective based on attendees that are funded by CBTF.


2014 FBM MOTION #5

Michelle moved that the CBTF Fees for the 2014-2015 year shall be:

  • Affiliation Fee: $6.50
  • Sanction Fees: same as 2013-14
  • Grievance Fee: same as 2013-14 ($275)
  • Membership Fees and Membership Late Fees: same as 2013-14
  • Mileage Rate: same as 2013-14 ($.40/km)
  • Meal Allowances: same as 2013-14 ($10 breakfast; $10 lunch; $20 dinner)
  • Course and Technical Manuals: same as 2013-14
  • Adjudicator/Judging Fees/Rates: same as 2013-14
  • Course Conductor Fees: same as 2013-14
  • Data Entry Coordinator: $15/hour, to a maximum of $4,000 or an amount equivalent to baton-related travel costs
  • WBTF Role Model DVD Box Set: $50 (individual DVD price remains at $25)
  • SDP Program – same as 2013-14 as follows:
    • SDP DVD’s & Manuals (White to Maroon $20; White to Diamond $40)
    • Badges and Pins ($8 each)
    • White Ribbon & Report Card ($5 set)