CBTF Complaints Policy and Procedures

This policy shall be executed by the CBTF Complaints Officer. The CBTF Executive shall assign a current CBTF member in good standing to act as Complaints Officer, in order to resolve professional disputes, conflicts or problems. This person will assess the nature of the issue and oversee an attempt to bring a quick resolution to the issue.

Examples of such Issues (but not restricted to):

  • Mistreatment of athletes, other professionals or other CBTF members
  • Not adhering to CBTF rules and regulations, policies and codes
  • Not adhering to accepted methods of conducting CBTF courses
  • Judges’ uniform infractions
  • Non-compliance of the CBTF Social Media Policy
  • Inappropriate online behaviour
  • Inappropriate social behaviour with athletes and other professionals
  • Poor sportsmanship
  • Soliciting of athletes
  • False claims concerning achievements or credentials. Examples:
    • Judging events not certified to judge
    • Adjudicating SDP ribbons/badges/pins not certified to adjudicate
    • Conducting CBTF courses not certified to teach
    • Advertising incorrect certification levels
    • Advertising incorrect achievements of their students or club

NOTE: This Complaints Policy can apply retroactively to matters that have arisen prior to this Policy coming into effect.
NOTE: This procedure does not replace or otherwise affect the “Discipline Clause” in the CBTF Bylaws.





The CBTF Complaints Officer Application Form and Non-Disclosure Agreement is available in the Forms section of the website.

Qualities, Skills, Attributes
  • Excellent understanding and complete knowledge of all CBTF codes, rules, regulations and policies
  • Not related to any of the involved parties*
  • Not a fellow baton club member to any of the involved parties*
  • Understanding, unbiased and professional manner
  • Ability to maintain confidentiality
  • Experience in investigating, analyzing and responding to complex complaints
  • Ability to communicate effectively and sensitively
  • Strong communication skills, written and verbal

Should the Complaints Officer be unable to carry out his/her responsibilities due to these points, the CBTF Executive shall appoint another CBTF member in good standing to address the particular issue.

*NOTE: Should the issue be technically related, the relevant National Rep (ie: Judges, Coaches, Group, SDP) shall be kept informed and shall receive any and all documentation pertaining to the issue and the outcome.

  • To be the main point of liaison for all involved parties including the CBTF Executive
  • To investigate, gather all pertinent information and facts and manage the resolution of complaints within a reasonable time frame
  • To determine how best to resolve the issue including suggested discipline methods (if required)
  • To keep CBTF President, Technical Chairperson and *National Rep informed of the progress of the issue throughout the process
  • To prepare a final confidential report (including recommended discipline methods, if required) for the involved parties and the CBTF Executive
  • To ensure that any disciplinary assessments are carried out.

Upon completion of a complaint process, the Filing Fee from the Complainant shall be given as an honorarium to the Complaints Officer. The Board shall review the Fee annually at the Fall Conference.



A variety of discipline outcomes are possible (the order below is based on the severity of the issue):

  1. Verbal Warning from Complaints Officer
  2. Written Warning from Complaints Officer with cc: to President, Technical Chair, relevant National Rep (if applicable) and the Complainant
  3. Written letter with Fine Assessment – Complaints Officer to recommend a monetary amount to CBTF Executive based on severity of issue and whether the party(ies) may continue in their profession (eg: judging, coaching) until the fine is paid to CBTF Treasurer.
  4. Suspended for a determined time period from the specific profession (eg: if a judging issue, member would be suspended from judging) – length of time to be established by the CBTF Executive and National Rep (a fine may also be assessed).
  5. Suspension from CBTF, for a determined time period from CBTF – this decision to be made by the CBTF Board of Directors. If a technically related issue, a joint meeting of the Board and the CBTF Technical Committee shall be called by the CBTF President (a monetary fine may also be assessed).
  6. Permanent expulsion from CBTF – this decision to be made by the CBTF Board of Directors. If a technically related issue, a joint meeting of the Board and the CBTF Technical Committee shall be called by the CBTF President.



Issues must be presented in writing from the Complainant to the CBTF President with a cc: to the CBTF Technical Chairperson and the relevant National Rep. The letter must include the following:

  • Name, phone, email and CBTF membership # of the Complainant
  • Name, phone, email and CBTF membership # of the member(s) alleged to be involved
  • Date and location where the issue took place
  • Full and factual account of the issue in question
  • CBTF rule, regulation, policy or code in question

A Filing Fee of $25.00 from the Complainant accompanying the letter shall be required before the process can begin. Cheque, money order or eTransfer is to be made payable to CBTF and sent to the CBTF Treasurer. Once the process is finalized, a full refund shall be made if the complaint is deemed valid by the Complaints Officer or Discipline Committee.

If the issue involves competition results, the issue must be filed within 48 hours of the final day of the competition and the Competition Director notified immediately by the Complaints Officer. It will be the responsibility of the Competition Director to notify all persons involved that (1) an issue has been filed with the Complaints Officer and (2) competition results will be pending until the issue has been settled or discontinued, whichever comes first.

The President shall forward all correspondence and information to the Complaints Officer.

The Officer shall contact the involved parties and begin the process of resolving the issue. The Officer may direct the parties to a form of conflict resolution, mediation or arbitration.

Once the issue has been resolved, the Complaints Officer shall prepare a written report to the Executive and relevant National Rep outlining the procedures and results of the process.

If the issue is deemed minor by the Complaints Officer and can be resolved simply between the Officer and the involved party(ies), then, once a successful conclusion to the issue has been reached, the Officer shall prepare a confidential report with copies to the involved party(ies), the CBTF Executive and *relevant National Rep. The matter shall then be closed and the decision of the Complaints Officer considered final.

In the event that the Complaints Officer cannot resolve the issue, she/he shall forward all materials to the Discipline Committee and that Committee shall proceed in the regular fashion.

Should the Committee require further information or clarification from the Complaints Officer, she/he may be consulted by the Committee; however, the purpose is for gathering information or providing clarification only.



However, if the Complaints Officer deems the issue to be major and more complex, the CBTF President is empowered to establish a Discipline Committee to determine the validity of any allegations brought against a member and to impose sanctions for any failure to follow the policies of CBTF. This Discipline Committee:

  • Shall not include the Complaints Officer who investigated the issue initially.
  • The President shall determine the number of members required for this Committee.
  • Members shall be current CBTF members and may include CBTF Board members.
  • Members shall possess the same qualities, skills and attributes as listed for the Complaints Officer.
  • The Committee members shall select a Committee Head to call meetings and lead the discussions.


  • If the President is one of the involved parties, the First Vice-President shall assume the responsibilities regarding the selection of the Committee.
  • Should the President or any other member of the Board of Directors of the Federation be one of the involved parties, that Director must remove him/herself from any involvement with the said issue.
  • No Director may vote on any matter in which they have a direct pecuniary interest, or on any matter in which their individual conduct is directly or indirectly called into question, or in any matter in respect of which they may be required to give evidence before the Complaints Officer.