
Latest Revision: December 2023

The responsibilities of the Short Program Penalty Judge are as follows:

  • Senior A: both Count 1 and Accessory Material
  • Junior A: just Count 1
  • BA, all age divisions: just Count 1


Accessory Material

Judges shall assess a penalty each time the athlete performs a disallowed move in their accessory material. This penalty only applies to the Senior A Short Program, as those are the only athletes performing accessory material between the required elements.

Count 1

Latest Revision: January 2024

The CBTF Technical Association consists of the following members who purchase a Type T1 (Technical members with voting privileges) or T2 (Technical members under 18 with no voting privileges) membership annually.

Latest Revision: January 2024

The CBTF Technical Association consists of the following members who purchase a Type T1 (Technical members with voting privileges) or T2 (Technical members under 18 with no voting privileges) membership annually.


Latest Revision: January 2021

Effective January 1, 2021, at competitions during the group events, the name of the club is not to be announced when the group is taking the floor for competition. As a clarification, the name of the group should not be included in the title of the group.

Latest Revision: August 2023

Latest Revision: September 2022

CBTF has development a Long-Term Development Plan, basesd on the Sport for Life "Long-Term Development Stages".

The complete plan is found in the Technical Tools section of the Resource Library on the website.

Latest Revision: September 2022

The Canadian Baton Twirling Federation (CBTF) has developed the CBTF Concussion Policy to help guide the management of athletes who may have a suspected concussion because of participation in CBTF activities.

Latest Revision: February 2023



  • The level an athlete/duet/group competes in at their Provincial W/C event is the level they must compete in at the Canadian W/C event.
  • Advancement in Status Levels from scores obtained at a Provincial Winner/Championship shall not become effective until September 1 of that year.


Latest Revision: February 2023


Age divisions for IBTF disciplines are different than CBTF age divisions, and an athlete's competing age is also determined differently.

The IBTF competition program is divided into a two-year cycle:

Latest Revision: September 2020

The Covid-19 Pandemic will change our approach to practicing group events moving forward. This document has been put together by all the Provincial Group Reps as a way to provide some guidance to our coaches. Please note that, before full group practicing and competing can occur, Provincial Guidelines related to social distancing may need to be relaxed and this will be different in each province.

Please follow Provincial Guidelines.  It is our commitment to maintain communication and fairness to all provinces as we navigate this situation.